The Mission of Christ's Victory Bible Teaching Center
•To teach the uncompromising truth of Jesus Christ's victory over all of the satanic forces and how God's people share in that victory by faith in His Word.
Many Christians are weak, defeated and useless to God because of wrong ideas about God as well as a failure to understand the central theme of salvation.
At Christ’s Victory Bible Teaching Center we realize that when men and women begin to grasp the truth that Jesus Christ has issued a crushing defeat to the
enemy and has shared that victory with all who desire to connect with Him this will make us more effective and fearless evangelists of the gospel.
This will also affect our everyday practical walk as it relates to our health, our finances, family relations, job relations, church work, and how we confront the
problems of life.
•To establish a growing church that grows through evangelism of the un-churched and backslidden rather than through church attrition.
A church that places a strong emphasis on evangelism and missions.
The world needs to know that God loves them and that Jesus died in their place (John 3:16.)
To disciple believers through systematic Bible teaching.
We believe that it is possible for all believers to live a triumphant, victorious Christian life. We endeavor to promote this possibility by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God has given us victory over sin, temptation, sickness and lack. Christians simply need information in order to walk in this.
To financially and physically support evangelism in our local area and to support missions abroad.
Hence, the reason we must teach Christians that they have victory over lack. It takes money to support God’s work.
It is the intention of CVBTC to support missions financially both locally and abroad. Many great works are being done by a number of organizations and they need our financial support as well as our active participation. Apart from the support of missionary efforts, the church becomes a meaningless meeting club.
To promote a balance between Evangelical doctrine and Charismatic worship that honors God.
Worship of God should be alive, fresh, meaningful and not boring.
We believe that the power of God will be demonstrated more often and miracles will occur more frequently when we begin to enjoy worship and being in God's presence.
We desire to avoid excess and abuse and fakery of the gifts. We desire genuine manifestations. Furthermore, Bible teaching will be centered on the Word of God and
not the latest fads.
To have a multi-cultural community of believers in Rhode Island.
Our mission is to establish a multicultural church of different races, ethnic groups, and cultures. We want CVBTC to be the way that God wants His kingdom to be, which is, "And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth"
We desire to minister to those in interracial marriages and help them with the unique difficulties they face.
To establish a balance between godly loving authoritative leadership and abusive cultic dictatorship.
God has appointed leaders who are accountable to HIM as well as to one
While being careful to admonish the sheep when necessary, leaders at CVBTC will not be abusive but loving as well as firm.
More about CVBTC
Our Staff.
Here you will find more information about our senior pastor, Troy J. Edwards, and some of the staff that work along with him to fulfill the mission that Christ has given to Christ's Victory Bible Teaching Center.
Our Vision.
Christ's Victory Bible Teaching Center is a Charismatic/Full-Gospel Church with a heart for evangelism and missions. CVBTC's vision is to reach as many as possible around the world with the life changing message that God's Word works and that Jesus is a loving and caring God who hse redemption has purchased your victory.
What we Believe
At CVBTC we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and His Word should always have preeminence in our lives. Jesus reflects God's character and Father God is exactly like Jesus. At CVBTC you will find a Triune God who is deeply in love with you and wants to meet your every need.